
The Dewfies are friendly little elves who live on the clouds above a distant world called Famoria. They are tasked with the vital job of protecting the people of Famoria, whose lives are often threatened by storms, floods and earthquakes. Whenever Mother Nature flexes her mighty muscles, the Dewfies mount their winged horses and fly right into the danger zones to calm the wild elements. In order to become element fighters, young Dewfies must attend a special academy. 


Just like little Flip, who can’t wait to follow in his father’s footsteps and help save the Famorians from natural disasters. But soon after joining the academy, Flip realises that not all Dewfies want to protect the humans below. He and his friends begin to uncover a conspiracy to destroy the people of Famoria: will Flip be able to stop the plotters in time? The fate of humankind lies in his little Dewfie hands…

The Author

David Narono lives with his winged horse Peggy and his stabet cat Cici in an old house by the sea. He will always remember the day when he was invited to take tea with members of the royal family. While enjoying tea and scones, he discussed the joy of flying on winged horses and the advantages of having a carriage drawn by a big cat with them. They all agreed with David's favourite piece of wisdom: our perfect companions never have fewer than four feet.

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Audio Book

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Our audio books are available on Amazon, Apple, Google Play and Kobo.